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Well-Being Worksheets
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What Is Anxiety?

The What is Anxiety? Provides an overview of anxiety. Topics include symptoms, types of anxiety, the cycle of avoidance, and common treatments, relaxation skills, and exposure.

How to Beat Anger In 5 Steps

Anger can arise in many different ways very quickly. The worksheet is read only and break down the 5 Steps to beat anger: knowing your triggers, recognizing your warning signs, determining your anger level, having a go-to coping skill, and debriefing.

What Is Addiction?

The What is Addiction? Introduces the topic of addiction. Covers signs and symptoms of addiction, available treatments, and other important facts.

Addiction Worksheet

Identify your addiction reflect on what triggers you the most, reflect on the negative consequences, learn new coping skills create a reward system by setting goals and rewarding yourself after completing them. Become aware of the warning signs to prevent relapse.


Triggers worksheet gives a definition and tips of triggers, while guiding you through the process of identifying their own triggers.

Stages of Change

Highlights the 5 stages of the process in which a behavior is changed: Precontemplation, contemplation, preparation, action, and maintenance.

Relapse Prevention Plan

This worksheet provides a template you to list coping skills, social support, and the possible consequences of relapse.

Tips To Avoid Relapse

This is a read only handout that provides many tips to avoid and prevent relapse

Mental Health Exercise Benefits

Exercise has been found to help treat and prevent depression, anxiety, substance abuse, and more. The goal of this worksheet is to provide a convenient source of psychoeducation for clients who might benefit from starting a basic exercise program, or increasing their level of physical activity.

RAIN Mindfulness Techniques

Mindfulness is a state of nonjudgmental awareness of the present moment. The RAIN: Mindfulness Technique worksheet walks you through the technique, which can reduce feelings of stress, overwhelm, anger, and anxiety.

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